Monday, July 06, 2009

Tips for Parents Buying Homes for Children

With home prices low, now could be a good time for parents to give their children a home or even an investment property.
Here are some suggestions for managing the tax consequences from Mark Luscombe, tax analyst with Wolters Kluwer.
· Give a cash gift. Individuals are allowed to gift up to $13,000 per person in a
given year without incurring gift tax. That means a couple could give their
offspring and spouse $52,000 in a single year to go toward a down payment.

· Lend money. The government requires that family members meet or exceed minimum
loan rates to avoid having the loan be considered a gift. The rates are currently
low. One way to handle this is for parent to use the $52,000 gift exclusion to
forgive both interest and principal.

· Use a trust. Set up a qualified personal residence trust, or QPRT. You’ll need an
attorney to handle this transaction, but in a nutshell, parents put the home they
want to give their children into a trust. At the end of a pre-set term, the home
passes to the children with no taxes due.