Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why Won't It Sell? Slow Homes in Fast Market

Even in housing booms, some homes sit unsold. Maybe they're not priced appropriately in comparison to similar homes in the neighborhood or maybe the sellers are restricting the times when buyers can view the property.

Other factors can be to blame. Homes with the right asking price and unlimited viewing times might not be in good condition. Buyers will be turned off by peeling paint, messy lawns, interior clutter, or odors. Buyers commonly associate musty smells with mold, so sellers would be wise to install a dehumidifier. If odors are not easily eliminated, they should opt for a professional cleaning.

Some homes languish on the market due to unattractive features or floor plans. Buyers tend to avoid homes with below-grade kitchens, narrow staircases, lack of natural light, or bedrooms with a walk-through that leads to other rooms.