Thursday, July 28, 2005

Make Moves Less Traumatic for Children

By: Patricia Long Allbee: REALTOR® Magazine Online
More than 10 million children in the United States move prior to the start of the new school year, and there are several measures that can make the transition less stressful.

Youngsters might want to consider keeping a journal, detailing their worries or aspects about the move that are exciting. They also should surf the Web to familiarize themselves with their new neighborhood, as the local Chamber of Commerce site generally features information about activities, schools, restaurants, and other amenities.

Children can take a greater role in the move by planning the design of their new bedroom; while putting together a scrapbook with pictures of their old residence, neighborhood, and friends can help them say goodbye.

Other suggestions include contacting a church or other local organization to find a pen pal in their new school and throwing a going-away party with a "White Elephant" gift exchange or yard sale to rid themselves of belongings that would otherwise be thrown away.